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Biografi Ulama Salaf PDF to DOC: Easy Steps to Convert and Read the History of the Salaf

Despite his teachings being rejected and opposed by various critics amongst the contemporary Sunni clergy,[7][20][28][32] such as his own father and brother,[7][20][28][32][33] Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab charted a religio-political pact with Muhammad bin Saud to help him to establish the Emirate of Diriyah, the first Saudi state,[24][34] and began a dynastic alliance and power-sharing arrangement between their families which continues to the present day in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.[24][9][35] The Al ash-Sheikh, Saudi Arabia's leading religious family, are the descendants of Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab,[9][19][35] and have historically led the ulama in the Saudi state,[35][36] dominating the state's clerical institutions.[35][37]

biografi ulama salaf pdf to doc

The descendants of Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab, the Al ash-Sheikh, have historically led the ulama (clerical establishment) of the Saudi state,[36] dominating the state's religious institutions.[37] Within Saudi Arabia, the family is held in prestige similar to the Saudi royal family, with whom they share power, and has included several religious scholars and officials.[120] The arrangement between the two families is based on the Al Saud maintaining the Al ash-Sheikh's authority in religious matters and upholding and propagating the Salafi doctrine. In return, the Al ash-Sheikh support the Al Saud's political authority[121] thereby using its religious-moral authority to legitimize the royal family's rule.[122]

The Salafiyya movement was not directly connected to Ibn 'Abd al-Wahhab's movement in Najd.[154] According to professor Abdullah Saeed, Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab should rather be considered as one of the "precursors" of the modern Salafiyya movement since he called for a return to the pristine purity of the early eras of Islam by adhering to the Qur'an and the Sunnah, rejection of the blind following (Taqlid) of earlier scholars and advocating for Ijtihad.[124] Scholars like Adam J. Silverstein consider Wahhabi movement as "the most influential expression of Salafism of the Islamist sort, both for its role in shaping (some might say: 'creating') modern Islamism, and for disseminating salafi ideas widely across the Muslim world."[18]

The doctrines of Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab were criticized by a number of Islamic scholars during his lifetime, accusing him of disregarding Islamic history, monuments, traditions and the sanctity of Muslim life.[187] His critics were mainly ulama from his homeland, the Najd region of central Arabia, which was directly affected by the growth of the Wahhabi movement,[32] based in the cities of Basra, Mecca, and Medina.[32] The early opponents of Ibn ʿAbd al-Wahhab classified his doctrine as a "Kharijite sectarian heresy".[17]

Berikut terjemahan kitab-kitab yang biasa dikaji di pesantren salaf meliputi berbagai bidang studi seperti fikih, tasawuf, akhlak, tafsir, hadits, tarikh, dan lain-lain. Kitab dibagi menjadi dua jenis yaitu kitab dasar dan tingkat lanjut.

Galeri Kitab Kuning Salah satu karya ulama yang banyak dijadikan rujukan dibidang Rijal Hadits adalah Kitab yang ditulis oleh al-Imam Abu Nu'aim Al-Ashfahani, berjudul Hilyatul Auliya'.

Kitab ini Merupakan sebuah karya besar yang terdiri dari delapan jilid tentang kumpulan hadith-hadith Rasulullah ﷺ dan dilengkapi dengan silsilah sanad yang panjang sampai kepada Rasul ﷺ yang mengumpulkan para tokoh Sahabat Nabi, Tabi`in, Tabiut Tabi`in dan para tokoh ahli ulama tasawwuf dan ibadat.

Wajar, Kitab Hilyatul Auliya' kerap dijadikan rujukan, sebab Kitab ini terbilang klasik, karena semua kisah dan biografi ulama Salaf disini diceritakan menggunakan hadits dan atsar lengkap, sehingga valliditas dan keontetikan ceritanya pun bisa dipertanggungjawabkan secara ilmiyah lewat studi hadits dan atsar.

Menariknya, dalam kitab ini, beliau mengumpulkan sekumpulan perkataan tentang Ilmu Tasawuf dan ahli Ulamanya dengan menertibkan tingkatan mereka sesuai dengan tingkatnya masing-masing, lebih kurang terdapat 800 tokoh ulama yang telah beliau sebutkan didalam kitabnya itu, mulai dari para sahabat yang empat (Khulafa al-Raasyidiin).

Selanjutnya, beliau menyebutkan para sahabat al-Mubasysyiiriina bil Jannah (Para sahabat yang dapat kabar gembira dengan masuk surga), kemudian para sahabat-sahabat yang lain dan Ahli Suffah, lalu disusul para Tabi`in, Tabiut Tabi`in dan para ulama ahli Ibadah atau Tasawwuf lainnya sampai dengan yang semasa dengannya. 2ff7e9595c

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